
Jacques – I am an ex 28 gangster

I am now 30 years old. I got discharged from prison in 2008, out of a ten-year sentence. I have one kid his name is Julian. He is living with my mother. Me myself, I am an ex 28 gangster. I am trying to live a better life. Right now at the moment, I am staying on the streets of Cape Town. It is really hard to stay on the streets. My whole body is tattooed, up to my head. Even at the back of my ears. Here by my chest, on my stomach…

Is there a good rehabilitation process in prison?
There are a lot of rehabilitation programs but they don’t force you to take part in them.

How did you break away from the 28’s?
2010 June 10 the time my son was born, I made a decision to stop gangsterism.

Is it easy to leave the 28’s?
They say there is one gate in and no gate out. The only way out is by death.

The best thing for me that I am doing at the moment is that I park cars at night, I don’t make my eyes big for stuff that they leave in their cars. During the day I collect scrap metal. My aim is to give my life to Jesus and stop smoking weed and mandrax.

What do you tell anyone who says that people can’t change?
It is a lie, change is possible. It starts with yourself. No other person can change you, only you.

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