How long have you been in the car industry?
I have been in the industry for around twenty-six years.
You have been around long enough to see any and every possible problem a car can have. I experienced problem after problem with a car I bought second hand. I am certain the car hates me if that is possible. What advice would you give to anyone buying either for the first time or second hand?
What I can say is that you have to build up a certain relationship with the guys in the trade. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of rogues in the trade. There are still a few good guys. I am speaking for myself now. Find someone in the motor trade to go with you to have a look at the car or if you cant find there is the AA to do a 51 point check on the vehicle. (this I did do) It will cost R350 but it will give you peace of mind.
Any advice on car problems that may be encountered along the way and how to best deal with them?
I would recommend basic training. This would involve learning for example, how to change a wheel. When you go to a garage, stand behind the guys putting in petrol. Make marks on your water bottle to see that they don’t exceed that. Make sure the oil is checked properly.